Friday, October 26, 2007
made many victims. Homes and posessions lost, all gone in a flash.
As we go thru life, how many times do we make others our victims? We are having a bad day
so we lash out at the sales clerk who makes a simple mistake..........making her the victim
of our anger.
Some one gives us a little too much change,and we keep it , instead of correcting the mistake, we secretly rejoice , making
them the victim of our greed.
And the list goes on, and the transgressions get bigger... we waste food, while others starve,
and plunder land and culture for the ever growing greed for fuel.
No one can change all in a day, but each of us can do our part, in small ways.
Just for today, don't make anyone your victim. Do what you can to make the world
a better place.
You might like the satisfied feeling it gives you and want to do the same tomorrow, and the day after.
Think carefully before you act....
Who will be your victim today?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
ADVICE FOR EMPTY NESTERS ..Your job isn't over!
ADVICE FOR SEEKING GOD'S WAY....Is GOD behind your couch shaking?
ADVICE FOR CAREGIVERS.....Are YOU an adult caregiver? Then say this out loud.....
ADVICE ON FINANCES...C.E.O. of the family finances, a serious job for a joker like me.............
I have two grown children, and now grandchildren. As a mother, I have ROARED, and sometimes SNORED! But more importantly, I have got the education of a lifetime!!!Let me tell you when I have ROARED: When both children were born. When they were sick, or discouraged, and when they learned something new. I roared when they taught me to see things thru their eyes, and when their opinions of things didn't reflect my own. I also roared when they were happy, or sad, or angry, or impatient, or tired.Like a mother lioness, there are different kinds of roars in the human species, too. Mothers who haven't learned to roar will have children who never learn to soar! Listen and learn, mothers, and roar your lungs out!You are the best friend your child has ever had, or ever will have, but you have to be prepared for this mega responsibility. You must be ready to watch your child soar, and fall, and fail, and excell, and have their feelingsss hurt, and win, and lose, and all the while, you must know what type of roar you need!You will roar, and they may or may not join in, much to your dismay, or to your joy! And mother, you must prepare yourself to roar until you draw your last breath, as your children will forevermore need their best friend.Now let me tell when I have SNORED, and beleive me that if you, too, can snore thru these events, your life will be much, much, more peacefull! I have snored thru: the terrible twos, my childrens peer pressure, the teen years, purple hair, teaching them to cook, teaching them to drive, being told that 12 year old tommy or cindy was so much smarter than I, and eventually when they each set up their own housekeeping.Let me explain the difference between roaring and snoring, o.k.? Roaring is when you are very vocal, full of emotion, and are wearing your "MOTHER " clothes. Snoring is when you are full of emotion, but have CHOSEN to put aside your "MOTHER" clothes for the more comfortable " This , too, will pass" clothes.Every day of your life, from the moment you become a mother, you must choose weather to roar or snore~ so choose very, very, carefully, as lives and personalities are affected forever.
He was our 4 year old son, and we were shocked when we saw the baby frog on the side walk, and he nonchalantly went over and stomped it to death right before our eyes.
When his dad asked why he had done that, and he replied "wanted to", my husband promptly turned him over his knee and spanked him.
The words he said to him my son who is now 23 still remembers.
He said" Son, don't you ever kill something just for the thrill of killing it. If you kill any living thing, be prepared to eat it, unless you are defending yourself from harm.
A little frog might seem like a small thing, but I am so glad my husband saw the importance of such an act.
My son has never forgot it, and he has carried those words with him to this day. He learned a valuble lesson that day, and certainly gained some respect for his dad.
I think that part of the problem with our kids and violence is, most of the time they do not have to suffer the consequences of their actions.
And there is an ever growing opinion that spanking teaches violence. Hogwash! Spanking in an acceptable manner is o.k., and lets the child suffer the consequences of their actions.
Violence is taught when you've had a bad day at work, and come home and beat your child for no reason. This teaches violence because the child sees that the abuser gets a form of pleasure , even tho the child has done nothing wrong to suffer for.
There is a BIG difference.And society must take part of the responsibility for the violence we allow our children to witness.
We do not make our children accountable anymore, and this presents big problems. Parents and those in authority who do not punish for misbehavior because "they are just kids", are sending a dangerous message to our young.
What can you do?
Make sure young people around you know that there will be reactions for their actions. They sooner we learn this in life, the better we will be.
And don't be foolish enough to tell your child that violence is unacceptable, without showing them proper ways to vent their anger.
Anger left to fester will breed violence, for sure.
Don't just prohibit violent television in your home, its a big mistake I have seen parents make.
Watch a few of the less violent shows together, and point out the violence and how wrong it is as you are watching together.
Your child will soon be choosing not to watch those kind of shows on their own, with your early, gentle guidance.But remember, we cannot just tell our young, we must show them!
If you tell them how much you hate violence, and then run your fist thru the wall when you are angry, you have lost your credibility, and who is better to teach your child values? It is up to you, will you set the good example or the bad one?
Choose carefully, because YOU do set an example...ONE or the OTHER!!